Thursday, August 27, 2020
On the Virtues of Private Property in Locke and Rousseau Essay
On the Virtues of Private Property in Locke and Rousseau John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau, following their ancestor Thomas Hobbes, both endeavor to clarify the turn of events and disintegration of society and government. They start, as Hobbes did, by characterizing the â€Å"state of nature†â€a time before man discovered sane idea. In the Second Treatise[1] and the Discourse on Inequality[2], Locke and Rousseau, individually, set forward extremely intriguing and various records of the condition of nature and the development of man, however the most astounding contrast between the two is their originations of property. Both accurately perceive the cause of property to be grounded in man’s normal want to improve his life, yet they vary in their portrayal of the consequence of such a longing. Locke sees the need and reason for society to ensure property as something consecrated to humanity, while Rousseau considers property to be the reason for the defilement and inevitable destruction of society. In spite of the fact tha t Rousseau raises fascinating and appropriate perceptions, Locke’s contention triumphs since he effectively shows the positive and basic impact of property on man. So as to inspect either philosopher’s sees on property and its sources, it is important to return to the start of human turn of events, in a manner of speaking, and talk about their various originations of the condition of nature. Rather than Hobbes whose vision of the condition of nature was a condition of war, Locke’s condition of nature is a period of harmony and dependability. â€Å"We must consider what State all Men are normally in, and that is, a State of impeccable Freedom†¦A State additionally of Equality, wherein all the Power and Jurisdiction is proportional, nobody having more than another.†(Locke, Second Tre... ... we have can never be a negative. Be that as it may, Rousseau’s vision of aspiration being the ruin of society is defective. People might be tainted and may fall, yet development improves more noteworthy society more than it harms it. Locke effectively contended this, and is additionally demonstrated to be on the imprint by how much his vision looks like our current day society in contrast with Rousseau’s expectations. [1] Locke, John. The Second Treatise. Ed. Diminish Laslett. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1988. [2] Rousseau, Jean Jacque. Talk on Inequality. Ed. Victor Gourevitch. Cambridge College Press: Cambridge, 1997. [3] All content references for Second Treatise will be given in the organization of â€Å"chapter.paragraph†. [4] All content references for Discourse on Inequality (likewise called the Second Discourse) will be given in the arrangement of â€Å"part.paragraph†. On the Virtues of Private Property in Locke and Rousseau Essay On the Virtues of Private Property in Locke and Rousseau John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau, following their antecedent Thomas Hobbes, both endeavor to clarify the turn of events and disintegration of society and government. They start, as Hobbes did, by characterizing the â€Å"state of nature†â€a time before man discovered judicious idea. In the Second Treatise[1] and the Discourse on Inequality[2], Locke and Rousseau, individually, set forward exceptionally intriguing and various records of the condition of nature and the development of man, yet the most amazing contrast between the two is their originations of property. Both accurately perceive the cause of property to be grounded in man’s regular want to improve his life, yet they contrast in their depiction of the consequence of such a longing. Locke sees the need and reason for society to ensure property as something hallowed to humankind, while Rousseau considers property to be the reason for the debasement and inevitable ruin of society. In spite of the fact tha t Rousseau raises intriguing and appropriate perceptions, Locke’s contention triumphs since he effectively shows the positive and basic impact of property on man. So as to analyze either philosopher’s sees on property and its starting points, it is important to return to the start of human turn of events, figuratively speaking, and talk about their various originations of the condition of nature. Rather than Hobbes whose vision of the condition of nature was a condition of war, Locke’s condition of nature is a period of harmony and soundness. â€Å"We must consider what State all Men are normally in, and that is, a State of immaculate Freedom†¦A State likewise of Equality, wherein all the Power and Jurisdiction is equal, nobody having more than another.†(Locke, Second Tre... ... we have can never be a negative. Be that as it may, Rousseau’s vision of desire being the defeat of society is imperfect. People might be adulterated and may fall, yet development improves more prominent society more than it harms it. Locke effectively contended this, and is additionally demonstrated to be on the imprint by how much his vision takes after our current day society in contrast with Rousseau’s forecasts. [1] Locke, John. The Second Treatise. Ed. Diminish Laslett. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1988. [2] Rousseau, Jean Jacque. Talk on Inequality. Ed. Victor Gourevitch. Cambridge College Press: Cambridge, 1997. [3] All content references for Second Treatise will be given in the organization of â€Å"chapter.paragraph†. [4] All content references for Discourse on Inequality (additionally called the Second Discourse) will be given in the configuration of â€Å"part.paragraph†.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Declaration of the Immediate Causes Research Paper
The Declaration of the Immediate Causes - Research Paper Example The report contends that the understanding between the US and South Carolina is dependent upon the law as specified in the constitution which builds up duties on the two sides and censures the understanding or agreement if both of the gathering neglects to satisfy the hopes of the obligations. Further, the record featured that the Federal legislature of the US had neglected to respect their duties to the State of South Carolina. For example, a few States were not ready to adjust the Fugitive Slave Act (Watson and Batchelder 1860, 77-8). Because of this and different issues, the report declared that South Carolina had pulled back from the Federal Union. The principle reason for this report was to challenge the Northern States that were viewed as disregarding the constitution by neglecting to remove slaves. Further, it is through this presentation that the State of South Carolina planned for indicating its feelings of hatred on the endeavors made by the government and the Northern States to cancel subjection, which they saw as naturally protected. In this way, South Carolina felt that the national government and the Northern States had disregarded the understanding, and along these lines, it was not limited by it (Watson and Batchelder 1860, 76). At first, South Carolina had given different reports. This announcement was the subsequent record to be given by the State of South Carolina severance or withdrawal show. The principal archive to be given in South Carolina was the mandate of withdrawal.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Example of Concluding a Paragraph
The Example of Concluding a ParagraphThe example of concluding a paragraph is an effective way to show readers how to place emphasis and sentence phrasing. You want to show them the importance of following your paragraphs throughout the document.Ending a paragraph with a sentence such as 'Then he looked at her and they smiled at each other, saying 'I love you'.' shows that your concluding paragraph is an important part of the story. This conclusion is also the high point of the paragraph.In fact, the word that is ending your paragraph is used in many different types of writing. As a writer, you should always use this type of ending for your paragraphs. This sentence phrase 'then he looked at her and they smiled at each other' is usually followed by punctuation, either italics or caps.Ending a paragraph with a sentence such as 'Then he looked at her and they smiled at each other, saying 'I love you' ' is not called a closing, because it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the paragraph. However, it can actually give a strong feeling of closure to your work. You can easily end a paragraph with 'Then he looked at her and they smiled at each other.' This is a great choice because it's completely clear what you're trying to convey.Beginning a paragraph with an ending is the most common method of ending a paragraph. As a reader, your eyes will be drawn immediately to the end of the paragraph. Make sure you end a paragraph in a strong manner by ending the last sentence with the word 'and.'In the beginning of a paragraph, ending a sentence with 'Then he looked at her and they smiled at each other' is the best choice. However, in the middle of a paragraph, it may not work. Your main goal when ending a paragraphis to show the importance of the main idea of the paragraph. You do this by ending the paragraph in a strong manner.This method of ending a paragraph is similar to the popular ending called a 'quote.' In a quote, the writer makes a quote, which is an item taken from a book or other source and then leaves out a period.The final closing paragraph will be the first sentence of the article. The first sentence will state the main idea, which is that the beginning paragraph is the beginning of the end of the article. The first sentence will then summarize the entire topic.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Code Of Discipline Of The Berbice Uprising - 1819 Words
In comparison, the Berbice uprising had an estimated 2000 to 3000 slaves fighting in the revolt from approximately only eight plantations participating (Berbice Slave Uprising, 2016). This was something that is very unique because even though the Berbice movement had less followers, they were still able to carry out a more successful regime in the sense that it lasted for an entire year instead of two days. Knowing this is bring about the question as to why less participants would have a greater short term success. Was it the fact that Cuffy’s use a period of negotiation was a better strategy or was it the fact that Cuffy’s decision to use the code of discipline to train his followers in warfare with the help of captured European mercenaries. For instance, Cuffy, knowing he had limitation used mercenaries that once served Governor Hoogenheim because of the skills they possessed so that his followers can learn deploy such as repairing canons and service the movement (Cuf fy: Face of a Rebellion, 2016). This specific distinction caused Cuffy to give his followers unity and a collective purpose to successfully carry out the rebellion, even without telling them that they needed to use violence against the Europeans. Something that Quamina and Jack did not explicitly give his followers. Similarly to Quamina and Jack, Cuffy did not like the idea of violence in scenarios when there was no need for it so he tried often tried to engage in conversations with Governor Van Hoogenheim
Friday, May 15, 2020
Essay on The Role of Deception in Hamlet - 1226 Words
The Role of Deception in Hamlet In the play Hamlet, deception is a major factor in the cause of the deaths of all those who die in the play, including Hamlet himself. The following paragraphs will outline the deception involved in the deaths of various characters including: Polonius, Gertrude, Laertes, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and Old Hamlet; as well as the downfall of the antagonist and protagonist: Claudius and Hamlet themselves. Dishonesty is a major factor in the deaths of many characters. Ill silence me even here. Pray you be round with him. (III, iv, 4-5), is what Polonius says before hiding behind the arras in Gertrudes bedroom, and eavesdropping on Hamlets conversation with his mother. Much to†¦show more content†¦Old Hamlet, as well, was murdered by being stabbed in the back, by his very own brother Claudius. These are just the deaths of minor characters in the play, those who do not play a large role. The death of Claudius was also a result of deceit, mainly orchestrated by Hamlet. Here as before, never, so help you mercy, How strange or odd someer I bear myself (As I perchance hereafter shall think meet To put an antic disposition on), (I, v, 169-172) is what Hamlet says to Horatio and Marcellus after he talks to the ghost of Old Hamlet. Hamlet is telling them not to mention that he is just pretending to be mad to anybody, which hints that Hamlet does have a plan to put on an antic disposition to fool Claudius and the courtiers. Later on in the play, Hamlet asks the traveling player to put on a show of the play The Murder of Gonzago, which is quite similar to the current situation with Claudius and Old Hamlet. Hamlet says, Well hat to-morrow night. You could for a need study a / speech of some dozen or sixteen lines which I would set down and / insert int, could you not? (II, ii, 506-508), when he asks the players if he could add a speech into their performance. This speech makes the plot virtually parallel to the occurrences between Claudius and Hamlet, and Hamlet will see Claudius reaction to the play in order to determine his guilt. ClaudiusShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Deception In Hamlet1338 Words  | 6 PagesDeception is defi ned as the act of deceiving someone. Deception occurs when there is a need to conceal the truth and also expose the truth. The play Hamlet written by Shakespeare is built around the central theme of deceit. Deceit is used to cover past mistakes that might have once impacted the characters greatly or to conceal an important secret. Every character indulges in some form of deceit whether it be big or small. The most evident characters, however, used deceit to expose and kill one anotherRead MoreEssay On Cunning And Deception In Hamlet1714 Words  | 7 PagesThis research paper’s theme is the characters’ cunning and deception, which leads to the thesis statement: â€Å"The Shakespeare play Hamlet, is a story about cunning and deception.†The reason why I came out with the idea is because throughout the class discussions and personal readings, several instances were perceived how the characters are being untruthful. They play their roles cunningly and deceptively to stay in their own games for personal gain. The root of conflict in the play and the seriesRead More Reality and Illusion in Shakespeares Hamlet - Appearance versus Reality1078 Words  | 5 PagesAppearance versus Reality in Hamlet    Shakespeares play, Hamlet, is a tale of a young prince who must ascertain the truth regarding his fathers death. Throughout the play, the fundamental theme of appearance versus reality is constant. 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Yet, these characters all endure other forms of confinement specific to their own situations; Sibel and CahitRead MorePerformance vs. Reality in Shakespeares Hamlet884 Words  | 3 PagesPerformance versus reality in Shakespeares Hamlet William Shakespeares tragedy Hamlet has often been described as a play about a man who cannot make up his mind. Yet it could just as easily be described as play about a man putting on a play. Hamlet is obsessed with the discrepancy between what is real and what is performed. Hamlets despair at the difficulty of understanding what is the truth motivates him to put on a play to test his uncle Claudius, to see if Claudius is really the murdererRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - The Framework Of Deceit1301 Words  | 6 Pagesmost influential role in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. However, when looking closely at the play, it can be argued that the central theme of this tragedy is acting. How Shakespeare presents and lays out the actors and acting makes it a framework for madness and spying. Shakespeare points out the theme of in the dissimilarities of his characters, the deceits that individuals take for granted and the presentation of the `play within a play . This in tertwined deception allows certain charactersRead MoreRevenge By William Shakespeare s Hamlet914 Words  | 4 Pagesensures your health, sanity, and morality, right? After reading and analyzing Shakespeare’s infamous play, Hamlet, it turns out that there’s more to revenge than just the immediate benefits that are reaped. It’s a play that revolves around Prince Hamlet’s ultimate revenge against his uncle and new King, Claudius, for his father, the late King Hamlet. When King Hamlet’s ghost appears in front of Hamlet, he initiates the thirst for revenge. So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear-- Act 1:Scene 5 Read MoreHamlets Women Essay690 Words  | 3 PagesShakespeares Hamlet, Hamlet spews extremely harsh words against his mother Gertrude and his love, Ophelia. Some people may claim that these venomous statements mean that he is misogynistic, but, in fact, Hamlets anger towards Gertrude and Ophelia stems not from their sex but from the ir betrayal. Throughout the play, Hamlet viciously attacks more than just the women; he has contempt for every person that betrays him and his father. After he recognizes the magnitude of Claudius deceptions, Hamlet describesRead More Reality, Illusion, Appearance, and Deception in Shakespeares Hamlet1279 Words  | 6 PagesReality, Illusion, Appearance, and Deception in Shakespeares Hamlet     As appearances play an important role in todays society, so they also play an important role in William Shakespeares play Hamlet. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cpc Icd-9-Cm Coding Essay - 1188 Words
1. A 54-year-old patient is seen by the physician in the outpatient clinic setting for CLL that is currently in remission. The patients WBC counts, particularly lymphocytes remain within normal limits 2. Susan Oster, 45, is admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 38.5 º C, heart rate 102 beats/min, respiration 20/min with septicemia and SIRS. WBC 12,500. Documentation states respiratory and acute hepatic failure are due to septicemia. 3. OPERATIVE REPORT PATIENT: Mara Bell Lee PHYSICIAN: Randy Greenfield, MD PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Pleural effusion with unknown cause. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Pleural effusion with unknown cause. PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Diagnostic thoracentesis. Four-quadrant pleural biopsy, Pleural†¦show more content†¦Downey, MD PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Central venous access placement. INDICATION: Massive gastrointestinal bleed. The procedure was done emergently because of the patient’s critical condition. His right IJ area was prepped in the usual fashion. It was very difficult to visualize his right IJ vein, even though his habitus should have allowed us to do so, but the patient was, I believe, severely intravascularly volume depleted, and his vein was collapsing. I have attempted to access the right internal jugular vein multiple times, both under real-time ultrasound guidance and even later on blindly. I was able to get blood return and hit the vein; however, I was not able to advance the guidewire. I was able to advance it one time and put the catheter in, and it was nonfunctioning. I had to take the catheter out and tried multiple other times on the right IJ vein without success. That procedure was terminated. Pressure was applied. There was no cervical hematoma whatsoever. The patient was uncomfortable because of the length of the procedure but did well otherwise. Hemodynamically, he was uncha nged, and his oxygen saturations remained stable.I prepped the IJ vein area in the usual fashion. One percent lidocaine was used for local anesthesia. Again, the left IJ vein was collapsing. With deep inspiration, the vein could be well visualized on the real-time and ultrasound guidance, after which I could get access to the left IJ vein. A wire was advanced without difficulty while the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Black Student Movement At NIU Essay Research free essay sample
Black Student Movement At NIU Essay, Research Paper ? A Racist Institution: ? The Black Student Protest Motion at Northern Illinois University, 1962-70 Jeffrey R. Hart History 491, Dr. Schmidt Fall 1997 1. NIU and Dekalb: The Corn Cob Community Northern Illinois University, a medium sized four twelvemonth populace university, is located in the little metropolis of Dekalb, 60 stat mis west of Chicago on Interstate 88. Thirty stat mis from what is referred to as the western border of the suburbs, Dekalb seems in some ways to be caught between two universes: the universe of Norman Rockwell? s idyllic? Small-town, USA, ? and the universe of the infringing suburbs. Recently, the metropolis has seen the revealing marks of the invasive universe: the line of big section shops, place betterment shops, and fast nutrient eating houses along its main road on the border of town, pulling concern off from the downtown country, and the detonation of modern individual household lodging development in constructed vicinities, or? estates. ? This invasion is best symbolized by the program approved by a former city manager and metropolis council to develop and construct a modest sized shopping promenade on the sou-east border of town, located on another main road. The program calls for the developer to have the metropolis gross revenues revenue enhancement ( soon 1 per centum, added to the province gross revenues revenue enhancement of 6.25 per centum ) received by the merchandisers located indoors and instantly next to the planned shopping promenade. Former Mayor Greg Sparrow said that the revenue enhancement program was indispensable to enticing the developer. He and others feel that the new shopping promenade will convey Dekalb into the service-based economic system, and provide much needed occupations and revenue enhancement grosss for the metropolis. Unfortunately for Mr. Sparrow and a few council individuals, the electors rejected his command for re-election to office in the spring of 1997, alternatively voting in favour of council individual Bessie Chronopoulis, who attacked non merely Mayor Sparrow? s temptation program, but besides the apparently rapid rate of alteration. To her and many of the occupants, the alteration was coming excessively fast, excessively shortly. Their ideal Dekalb is a little metropolis consisting of lasting occupants, or? townies? on the E and far southwest side, and the university and its community of pupils, sing module, and the concerns that cater to them ( bars, fast nutrient eating houses, flat composites, convenience shops, and even an grownup bookshop ) , on the west side. Indeed, some of the occupants closest to the university feel that even the university is infringing on their town, and they have lobbied their council-persons to see that the university community stays within its assigned bou ndaries by go throughing regulations curtailing the growing of get oning houses and other concerns that they feel detract from the historic vicinities of the country. This conflict to either halt or abate growing, seen by many as cut downing non merely the value of the metropolis but besides its image, is in some ways indicative of what happened with the university over 30 old ages ago, with the turning inflow of minority pupils. During the decennaries of the 1950s and 60s, NIU had changed from a little four twelvemonth public establishment known for its teacher readying plan ( in fact, its old name had been? Northern Illinois State Teacher? s College? ) into a university of medium sized population and country. The country of the university expanded to twice its size with the acquisition of land bordering its western boundary. The new land provided infinite for new abode halls to house the turning figure of pupils. The undermentioned list indicates the growing in the pupil population. On Campus Enrollment in Fall Semesters Fall 1951 Fall 1955 Fall 1961Fall 1965Fall 1968 1,9003,3008,10014,70020,700 There university besides added new edifices to teach them in, made programs for the building of athleticss Fieldss and, more significantly, the enlargement of academic Fieldss non related to learning. This growing paralleled what had been go oning countrywide. Nationally, establishments of higher acquisition found themselves holding to spread out themselves to run into the demands of a turning population of pupils. The GI Bill and other federal and province plans, in add-on to a higher pay base for the working category brought approximately by the postwar economic roar and benefits of organized labour, enabled many pupils to go the first in their household non merely to graduate from high school, but besides to go to an establishment of higher acquisition. The Black Student Protest Movement at NIU arose from the position that NIU, like other authorities establishments, was racialist in that it was non turn toing the demands of the black pupils enrolled in the university or the black high school pupils who wished to go to the university. They felt that due to de facto segregation at the school board degree ( peculiarly the schools in the inner-city of Chicago ) , the quality of direction at the schools they attended, the de facto segregation curtailing the motion of households to what seemed to be better schools territories outside of the interior metropolis, and eventually the admittances policies of the universities themselves, black pupils had a more hard undertaking of deriving admittance to public NIU than their white opposite numbers. When the Civil Rights Movement began to take root in the northern provinces, black pupils on the preponderantly white campuses took action. When at the university, their experiences reinforced their beliefs about institutional racism and their geographic expeditions of? Black Power. ? After 1965, the Black Student Protest Movement changed in five ways: there were different marks, different aims, different participants, different manners of protest and activism, and the organisation of the Movement itself became different. Nationwide, the presentations shared the common aim of seeking to oblige preponderantly white establishments to suit the demands of a multiracial society. The pupils, Richard P. McCormick has written, wanted? the building of an environment within which they could experience emotionally and physically secure and where their cultural values would be respected and changed. ? At NIU, the pupils wanted the same consequence. In the yesteryear, black pupils who happened to be allowed admittance to NIU were forced to populate off campus, kept apart from the? regular? pupils in the residence halls. This did non assist affairs really much, for there was normally merely a smattering of black occupants in the metropolis. They were made to experience apart from the university itself, and surely non portion of the metropolis. However, during the decennary known for campus activism, the Sixties, the pupils were allowed to populate in the residence halls with their white opposite numbers. The integrating of campus lodging, nevertheless, introduced jobs in itself. Some pupils and their parents did non desire black pupils for roomies, neighbours, or floormates, and requested to be placed in other suites. The black pupils felt that there wasn? t a topographic point to plunge themselves in milieus they felt comfy. There was no diversion room where their music could be heard coming from a wireless and no survey sofa filled with art or literature of the African or Afro-american civilization. There were surely no categories where pupils were immersed with the history or civilization of inkinesss. The classs offered by the university, the black pupils felt, stressed merely the importance, and hence legitimacy, of the white civilization. To the black pupils, they were being told what was right and acceptable ( the h istory of white Americans and Europeans ) , and what was non ( the history of black Americans and Africans ) . The clip had come for alteration, and the pupils set out to do the alteration happen. Like today? s occupants of Dekalb, some of the? established? members of the university accepted the alteration, some accepted but wanted to command the rate of alteration, and others didn? T want any alteration to happen at all. This is the narrative of how these groups acted towards each other, and how the alterations that did happen took topographic point. Many of the demands made by the pupils were the same as demands raised at the larger, more urban universities, and all of them were accepted. But the grounds that the demands were accepted at NIU were in some ways different than those at the other establishments such as Rutgers University, New York University, and San Francisco State University. Unlike other establishments located in or near interior metropoliss or other centres of big minority populations, Dekalb and NIU were located far from any ample minority population, and hence, reasonably free to make what it wanted without force per unit areas from groups outside of the u niversity. Although non lawfully required to make so, NIU accepted and implemented some of the demands. This thesis explores how and why the university made alterations, every bit good as how and why a comparatively little group of pupils ( one per centum of the population ) changed everlastingly the face and organic structure of NIU. 2. ? Black and White Together, We Shall Get the better of: ? 1962-63 In 1954, the Supreme Court of the United States decided that public schools could non by jurisprudence offprint ( segregate ) the pupils of its territory on the footing of race, even when the schools appeared to be? equal. ? The instance, Brown v. the Topeka Board of Education, or more merely, Brown v. Board, made segregation of public schools illegal under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. It did non, nevertheless, open the public schools to black pupils in territories where segregation was taking topographic point. It lacked the power to implement its ain opinion, go forthing the duty to other subdivisions of the federal authorities, the provinces, and the local governments. In kernel, the determination became meaningless without person, anyone, willing to implement it. Surely, the racism of the federal, province, and local electorate played a major function, but so did the Court, when it mistily worded its order to incorporate the public schools with? al l deliberate speed. ? Under these fortunes, governments were slow to move upon the order, but non every bit slow as the territories themselves. Without fright of legal branchings, many of the unintegrated territories remained untasted. Most of these territories were located in the Southern provinces, where racism was identified by Whites and inkinesss across the state as a manner of life, good or bad. After all, the consensus was that the Civil War of 1861-65 had been fought over the issue of whether or non a white individual had the right to have a black individual as one owns an inanimate object, otherwise known as bondage. The Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century attacked this manner of life, get downing in the South. The Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-56, the sit-ins at section shop tiffin counters, the? Freedom Rides? of the interstate coach lines, and the elector enrollment thrusts were all portion of a mass motion in the South to pull national and international attending to the double jobs of racism and its governmental enforcement or ignorance in the supposed most free state in the universe. The images of peaceable, nonviolent marchers being hosed, crush, arrested, and otherwise attacked by the local g overnments or white occupants caused many Americans, both black and white, to fall in together to alter life style of the South. When inkinesss and Whites from the North took clip off from school, work, and place, and went south to contend the southern manner of life, the apprehensions and whippings continued, and now the state and universe were seeing non merely inkinesss, but besides broad Whites being beaten and arrested, and in some instances, killed. These images, of work forces, adult females, and kids being mauled by Canis familiariss, shooting with H2O hosieries, and beaten by looming white police officers, were abashing to the presidents, because it allowed the Soviet Union, our Cold War Nemesis, to claim that the US would handle colored 3rd universe states in much the same mode that it treated its ain colored citizens. The fright that these third-world states might fall into Soviet? influence, ? and hence act as an enemy to the US in the United Nations, led President Kennedy to get down actively implementing the Brown v. Board determination, to protect the nonviolent demonstrators peacefully exerting their First Amendment rights, and to name for statute law that would vouch equal entree to authorities sponsored and regulated concern and activities, including interstate coachs and their installations, and most significantly, the right to vote. The job of racism was seen as a southern job by northern Whites, and every bit long as the issue was restricted to the South, it became? us? ( northern Whites and the state? s inkinesss ) versus? them? ( southern Whites seen as dense, backwards, uneducated hood ) . It was this attitude that led to the first publicised presentation for civil rights at NIU, on October 12, 1962. The Student Education Association held a mass meeting to turn to the racial job in Mississippi. The NIU community, like others in the North, were shocked and appalled that American citizens were being denied their most basic, cardinal right, the right to vote. The university newspaper, The Northern Star, gave a by and large positive position to the event, concentrating attending to the job in Mississippi, and depicting the attempts of Whites in the North to assist work out the job. However, the article did reference two things that we can now state were warnings of things to come. First, Walt Wernick, an adviser , told pupils to get down socially integrating, and pupil Barry Schrader said to look for racism in both Dekalb and NIU, adverting the segregated Greek ( fraternity and sorority ) community and the local lodging job ( inkinesss frequently could non happen person willing to sell or lease their place to black households, and lived in the same country ) . The calls to look homeward seemed to hold been ignored. 3. Turning the Fire Up on the Great Melting Pot: 1963-65 Another mark of things to come came in the autumn of 1963, when Dr. Martin Luther King, identified as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement, led the now celebrated? March on Washington, ? naming for an terminal to racism in the US, and support for President Kennedy? s proposed Civil Rights statute law. The Northern Star, in an column, stated that the March added to the agitation, that presentations were bad, and that equality could non be achieved by animus. The column stated that Dr. King had? overstepped boundaries of democracy and common sense. ? The same Dr. King, who had marched in Selma, Montgomery, Atlanta, and legion other topographic points in the South, and had won the regard of northern progressives, was now being denounced for making the same things in the North. One can now see that this was what President Kennedy was afraid would go on when he heard of the proposal for the March. Initially, Kennedy wanted to trash the March wholly, take a firm standing that it would ache the opportunities of acquiring his elector rights statute law passed. The March was intended to name for occupations, lodging, and freedom. Kennedy convinced the organisers that if they would alter their platform of the March to back up of his statute law, he would see that the federal authorities would back up them. He called for deviating attending off from presentations and towards acquiring the right to vote because he felt that while Americans valued autonomy for inkinesss, they valued jurisprudence and order even more. So the March occurred, King delivered his? I Have a Dream? address, and the President averted what he felt would hold been a catastrophe for everyone. Another predicting mark came when some black pupils in Chicago? s public schools boycotted categories to protest what would shortly go an oft-heard phrase: ? de facto segregation. ? The pupils had walked out of their schoolrooms to protest being forced to go to schools that were overpoweringly black due to the manner that the school territory boundaries had been drawn, a pattern known as? gerrymandering. ? If the pupils were being forced to go to these schools, and non allowed to go to other, ? better, ? preponderantly white schools because of gerrymandering, so the instance could be made that in fact, and non in pattern, that the pupils were being segregated. The instance was made, and the opposition to alter came with it. The Northern Star, in an column, said that the pupils were incorrect to boycott the categories. Supplying grounds that would turn out Kennedy correct, the column stated that while there may or may non be de facto segregation, the pupils were obligated to esteem the jurisprudence and work within the establishments. Finally, as yet another mark of what was to come, the column stated that bussing as a solution to stop the supposed segregation was incorrect. Common subjects between the NIU community and the state began to look. Equally long as the Civil rights Movement confined itself to the South, it would stay to hold the moral and fiscal support from northern progressives. However, when it moved into the North, non-violent, peaceable tactics approved for usage in the South, such as boycotts and Marches were frowned upon. When issues such as de facto segregation were addressed, many Northerners become defensive, and immun e to alter. That is non to state that Northern Whites had stopped back uping the Civil Rights Movement. In fact, what became known as? Freedom Summer? occurred that same twelvemonth, and NIU played a function. Nine pupils from NIU, as portion of the Northern Wesley Foundation, including one black pupil, Verna McClure, spent their spring semester holiday in Georgia working to acquire the black occupants registered to vote. From campuses across the North, pupils, clergy, and homemakers went to the South to assist the Civil Rights Movement in their federally approved and supported battle. What happened that autumn, when the registered black electors of Mississippi found that their right to vote meant non being able to stand for themselves as the legitimate delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, is seen as the beginning to the terminal of cooperation between black and white militants. The Mississippi Free Democratic Party ( MFDP ) , whose symbol was the Black Panther, allowed all individuals registered to vote in the federal election to vote in the province party primary, while the Mississippi Democratic Party, allowed merely whites to vote. The National Committee, under President Lyndon Johnson, offered to let the rival MFDP to sit two of its members as delegates at big, and the seats allocated for Mississippi would travel to the members of the? regular? Democratic deputation from the province. To farther perplex the state of affairs, Johnson ordered that at least one of the seats given to the MFDP had to be occupied by a white. Martin Luthe r King accepted Johnson? s footings, while Stokely Carmichael, caput of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee ( the organisation that lost 3 of its workers in Mississippi to the shotgun blasts of a deputy sheriff and other members of a local Klan ) refused. The rift between civil rights workers, leaders, and northern white progressives, became more broad. Many of the inkinesss working in the Civil Rights Movement began to mistrust their white opposite numbers, whom they felt had ever been moving paternalistic towards them. Within a twelvemonth, the organisations led by younger, more active black pupils had purged themselves of their white members. The older, soft-spoken and more acceptable leaders, such as King, were seen as seeking to? snog up? to an constitution that had rigged their attempts to neglect by throwing the inkinesss into the sphere of electoral political relations, an sphere that, by definition, was a topographic point where the bulk would take whatever it wanted, and the minority would have nil but merely what the bulk allowed it to hold. Possibly as an indicant of the rift between the white progressives and black militants, on March 26, 1965, merely six individuals ( a white reverend, four white pupils, and one black pupil ) left NIU to pass their spring interruption in Selma, Alabama, to process in the streets for black civil rights. They left NIU 13 yearss after one hundred and 50 people at NIU protested the decease in Selma of a white reverend who marched for civil rights. As a sideshow, there were two white counter-demonstrators. The? broad consensus, ? as Godfrey Hodgson described the black/northern white/labor/clergy alliance, becan to break up. 4. ? Burn, Baby, Burn! ! : ? The Pot Boils Over In May of 1965, Hosea Williams, of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, warned an audience at NIU that the Civil Rights Movement was heading north, and that Illinois might be the first province to experience the impact. He described racism in the North as really different from that of the South. In the South, he said, it was vocalized, but in the North it was soundless. At this period of clip, inkinesss in the North, sing racism in the signifier of de facto school segregation, lodging segregation, and unemployment, began stating each other and anyone who cared to listen that they would no longer be soundless while Whites in the North pointed fingers at Whites in the South. Riots erupted in the Watts territory of Los Angeles ; in Cleveland ; in Newark, New Jersey ; and many other metropoliss across the North. Images of constabulary and National Guard units policing the streets with pieces, helmets, and unassailable waistcoats filled the telecasting screen amid backgrounds of angry, loud, and endangering immature black work forces venting their choler in words and workss. Fortunately or unluckily, Dekalb and NIU were spared those workss, but non the words. The motto of? Black Power? began to be said and to be heard. Many Whites seemed non to hear the statements of how black pupils in inner-city schools were being given a second-class instruction, and how poverty begot poorness, but paid attending to two simple words: ? Black Power. ? Did the individuals who spoke these words know that they were acquiring attending? Stokely Carmichael, one of the first leaders in the Movement to publically utilize the phrase, knew so, and so did Baronial Harris, president of the African-american Cultural organisation ( AACO ) . In the December 14 issue of The Northern Star, he defined Black Power as inkinesss finding their ain scenes, actions, and consequences, free from force per unit areas put upon them by Whites. As an admonition to those who had all of a sudden taken notice of the state of affairs of inkinesss in the North, Harris stated that? They should hold known we had jobs. ? In Chicago, a metropolis known for its broad, Democratic political machine, King marched in Marquette Park, naming for an terminal to lodging favoritism. The working category occupants and others responded with bricks and bottles. King commented that the racism in Chicago was worse than the racism in the South. These words produced indignancy from the Whites. King became an enemy to many Whites across the state for his activities, including his resistance to the Vietnam War. Like other members of the Civil Rights Movement, he was abandoned by many members of the white broad community, for both his civil rights activities, and his stance against the War. To white conservativists and some progressives, he was disloyal for being against the War. Other white progressives, turned off by the rhetoric and purgings of the SNCC, had abandoned the Civil Rights Movement after 1964 and turned their attending to the war in Vietnam. To the anti-war/anti-draft progressives, Dr. King was passing excessively much clip on the Civil Rights Movement, and non adequate clip on the Anti-War Movement. King felt that the war and civil rights were inseparable, and wanted more white progressives to work towards stoping racism as they worked towards stoping a war. As if King did non hold adequate jobs with Whites, he faced misgiving among inkinesss every bit good. He was seen by many immature militants as an? Uncle Tom, ? a? apple polisher, ? person who would make the command of? T he Man. ? On April 4th, 1968, in Memphis, as he was fixing for a multiracial? Poor People? s March on Washington? , King? s earthly jobs were solved by an bravo? s slug, and the jobs of others across the state, including NIU, were brought to a caput. 5. Year of Discontent: 1968-69 In the hebdomad following the blackwash of Dr. King, more than a 100 metropoliss experienced public violences. The decease count reached 37 people, 12 of them in the state? s capital. Fires and plundering were common scenes in metropoliss with a ample black population. The decease of Dr. King at the alleged custodies of a white adult male had provoked more of a response from black activists and militants than his call for a united biracial run to process for economic freedom. At NIU, an ad-lib memorial service was held at the University Center ( now the Leslie A. Holmes Memorial Student Center ) . Black and white, pupils and module likewise, met to retrieve the late Dr. King, and to reflect on the significance of his non-violent life and violent decease. Two things occurred which were meant to direct a message to the white module and pupils of the university. The first was a verbal warning sent by two black pupils. An unidentified pupil said that the inkinesss in America were about to? make its thing. ? Fifty individuals left the service when alumnus pupil Noble Harris issued a call for a? united forepart, ? stating? With integrity, doggedness, bravery, and love of our black people, we shall be winning in our struggle. ? Outside of the Center, a black flag was raised on the range pole, in topographic point of the Stars and Stripes. The following twenty-four hours brought alleviation to the community, when spring interruption began, and the pupils went place. A few pupils patrolled the streets of their hometown or other metropoliss with their constabularies auxiliary or National Guard units, while some pupils may hold really participated in the public violences in Chicago, and others may hold stood by and witnessed them first manus or seen the telecasting footage. This point is certain: as with the public violences that had taken topographic point in the northern metropoliss in the old summers, everyone knew that they were happening. When the pupils and module returned to NIU from the interruption in surveies, an uneasy composure came with them. Unlike the larger metropoliss and universities, the black pupils were surrounded by a rural, all-white community. There might be presentations, but the university felt that, unlike the larger metropoliss, there was non the? critical mass? needed in the black community to convey about the devastation of the university or town. For two hebdomads, there was comparative peace, sing what was go oning in the state outside of the academic confines of NIU. However, the university did non hold to wait really long, when on May 10, about 200 black pupils, armed with the cognition of tactics used by earlier Civil Rights Movement militants, moved towards Lowden Hall, the administrative offices edifice. The pupils climbed the stepss of the late constructed edifice, with it? s modern ( for the Sixties, at least ) design, possibly made to look like the regional central office of a modern concern. Approximately 100 pupils crossed the fanciful barrier between acceptable and unacceptable protest, and placed their academic and, possibly, future professional callings in hazard, and went inside the edifice towards the office of University President Rhoten Smith. Walking down the corridor, they may hold had feelings that they had perfectly nil to lose, that win or non, they would at the really least do person, anyone, listen to them ; demanding for one time in their academic callings and possibly in their lives to be recognized as legitimate individuals with legitimate concerns. Other pupils walking towards the office may hold been more hesitating, oppugning if their ain engagement was deserving losing everything they had worked for in high school, if it was deserving losing the chance to possibly be the first individual from their household to graduate from college. Veterans of war will sometimes talk of the fright of being in conflict, but making things they neer thought they could make, if merely because the fright of making the incorrect thing was non as bad to them as the fright of making nil at all. To many of the pupils, inside the edifice every bit good as exterior, this fright was really existent to them. Their fright was overcome by their choler. The module inside the edifice were afraid, excessively. President Smith had sensed that things would come to this Oklahoman or subsequently, and hopefully subsequently. He had come to NIU with the realisation that the construction and intent of the university was altering, and that the alteration could be for the better. Described as a? imperfect? , he had come to NIU with a? vision. ? His vision for a university in general, and NIU in peculiar, was non alone. A few old ages before, at the University of California at Berkeley, President Clark Kerr described his? vision? of a? multiversity? that worked closely with authorities and concern, supplying them with an intelligent work force and having research grants and federal money. Kerr saw the university as an of all time turning establishment functioning a turning public. Smith? s vision for NIU included all of those things. He knew that to vie with the other universities, NIU would hold to be attractive to as many pupils as possible, by spread outing the size of the campus, and spread outing and adding plans in the non-teaching Fieldss of survey. He saw the demand for the university to respond to the altering universe around it, and to him, this meant an increasing figure of black pupils with high school sheepskin. The pupils entered President Smith? s office, and occupied it by making nil other than sitting down. The university, for all purposes and intents, came to a dead halt, much like a machine that had been? m
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Black Boy Essays (682 words) - Black Boy, Pressure,
Black Boy A word is just characters (letters) put together to make a meaning, statement, or idea. In the South, whites wanted power over the blacks, and the only form it came in was a word. By the first amendment the whites had power to use words, as did the journalist against the southern whites. Richard grows up learning about the south and how it demolishes others, and how it stabs him in the back by words. Richard at the age of four learns that words have an undeniable power behind and in front of them. Parents are our first source of knowledge, power, and style of living. They structure us (children) for today's world. Richard began his life without his mother and father's right hand. The mother never tried to be nice, or caring to him, and the father had to work at night. At home his is not expected to be a child, but a nothing. He is no supposed to run yell, even have fun. "He was the lawgiver in our family, and I never laughed in his presence." (16) Richard was playing with a cat, but his dad rest during the day. The cat would meow and purr, but the father told him to kill the damn cat. Richard did so, without having any feeling toward the cat. Richard really knew that the dad did not mean it, but he did it. The father leaves, this being one of the major reasons. The consequence of this action is the Richard, the mother, and brother, now have to work more to make money, and have to starve at some moments. Whites expect gratitude and polite measures from the blacks at all times. The whites are the supremacy of the land and should not and could not be fooled. Richard was working for a clothing store, where blacks where undersold. He would make deliveries for the store and one day he got a flat tire on the bike. There were white drunk southerners who were willing to give Richard a ride. Richard did accept the ride. During the ride empty bottle did hit him, but never a white man. " ?Oh no.' I said. The words where barely out of my mouth .... ?Ain't you learned to say sir to a white man yet!'" (200) The whites always want to be referred to Sir or Mam. The whites hit Richard because they have the power to do so for this. The word "sir" if said has the power to put down a black (for condolence to higher power), and if not said, it had the power to kill (for no condolence to higher power). The whites have an unbalanced situation for the blacks. Blacks have a life of pressure, no choice to do or not to do. Richard works for an optical company, and across the street another boy named Harrison in the same field of job. They do not know each other, but the whites in the town do. In chapter Twelve, the whites use words of pressure, to persuade Richard and Harrison to fight themselves. Both have a feeling toward another that one is going to crumble before the whites. Harrison is the one; he crumbles for five dollars. He is selling himself out to the whites. They do make a verbal agreement not to be harsh. That is not what happens, and they fight for blood (like a chicken fight). The idea here is that the words, if used in the right way, leads to life; if used with pressure and a verbal agreement, it leads to pain. A small tiny boy of four years old, had the left hand to learn that words have an undeniable power behind them. Richard learns that words: if taken literally can separate people (father); that simple words have a unbalanced situation for blacks (car ride with whites); the words of used correctly, leads to life, and is used for pressure and verbal agreements, leads to pain. On the way north on the train, Richard realizes that he knows the south, and he is just beginning to learn it. He figures out you have to see the whole picture, then the inside first. He also knows he is not leaving it all behind. The emotions, thoughts, and words (scars) are still going wherever he does.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
What Is a Crustacean - Information on Crustaceans
What Is a Crustacean - Information on Crustaceans Question: What Is a Crustacean? Crustaceans are animals in the Phylum Arthropoda and Subphylum Crustacea. The word crustacean comes from the Latin word crusta, which means shell. Answer: Crustaceans are a very diverse group of invertebrate animals which includes active animals such as the crabs, lobsters, shrimp, krill, copepods, amphipods and more sessile creatures like barnacles. Characteristics of Crustaceans All crustaceans have: A hard, but flexible exoskeleton or shellTwo pairs of antennaeA pair of mandibles (which are appendages used for eating)Two pairs of maxillae on their heads (additional mouth parts located after the mandibles)Two compound eyes, often on stalksSegmented bodies with appendages on each body segmentGills Crustaceans are animals in the Phylum Arthropoda, and Subphylum Crustacea. Classes, or broad groups of crustaceans, include the Branchiopoda (branchiopods), Cephalocarida (horseshoe shrimp), Malacostraca (the class that is probably most important to humans, and includes crabs, lobsters, and shrimps), Maxillopoda (which includes copepods and barnacles), Ostracoda (seed shrimp), Remipedia (remipedes, and Pentastomida (tongue worms). Crustaceans are diverse in form and live around the world in a variety of habitats - even on land. Marine crustaceans live anywhere from shallow intertidal areas to the deep sea. Crustaceans and Humans Crustaceans are some of the most important marine life to humans - crabs, lobsters and shrimp are widely fished and consumed around the world. They may also be used in other ways - crustaceans like land hermit crabs may also be used as pets, and marine crustaceans may be used in aquariums. In addition, crustaceans are very important to other marine life, with krill, shrimp, crabs and other crustaceans serving as prey for marine animals such as whales, pinnipeds, and fish.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
My Future Leisure and Sustainability of Northern California Ocean and Term Paper
My Future Leisure and Sustainability of Northern California Ocean and River - Term Paper Example Passive leisure does not involve the use of extreme energy while active leisure needs a person to utilize full mental and physical energy. Examples of passive leisure can be going to the cinema and watching television. Examples of active leisure can be swimming, fishing and dancing (Joffre, 1960). The North California Ocean and rivers provide a good environment for leisure activities such as swimming and fishing. The leisure activities are important for several reasons that will be discussed in the paper for people of north California. From my own experience, there is a surety of leisure engagement to reduce among the people of North California in the future. This is so because life is expensive. The cost of spending on very important things like food, clothes and leisure is very high. Most of the people concentrate on making money to meet there basic needs only. For students who are working and living alone, it is worse. There is no time for leisure because one requires having two jobs to meet there daily needs and wants. As an individual's rate in leisure engagement reduces, the more stressed they become. Leisure gives people a sense of freedom. Neulinger 1974 came up with two psychological functions of leisure. The main one was perceived freedom where he asserts that leisure depends on freedom from any internal or external constraints. The fact that an individual has the capability to choose what he or she is to do, the time and place gives them intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the second psycholog ical concept where there is no payment after one engages in the leisure activity. The moment one engages in an activity and at the end of the day they are being paid for it, then there is extrinsic motivation. At the same time it can lead to intrinsic motivation. The leisure activities are a great motivation for individuals because of self actualization that everyone needs to build there self esteem (Neulinger, 1974). In addition, Mihaly 1996 contributes to the benefits of engaging in leisure by using the theory of flow. The flow theory states that an individual has full involvement in and activity they engage in that is, there is full mental focus to the activity and the individuals feel energized by the focus. The flow contains a lot of variables: setting clear goals, high rates of focus and concentration, loosing self-consciousness, lose sense of time, feedback should be direct and immediate, level and challenge ability should be balanced, feeling of personal control over an activity, intrinsic reward of the activity and complete immersion in the activity. He went on to suggest the activities one can engage in to ensure that there is extrinsic benefit but other theorists have come up with those that lead to intrinsic benefits or motivation. The activities that lead to extrinsic motivation can be music, design, education and different sports. Intrinsic motivation involves the feeling of improvem ent, spirituality, self help and performance (Mihaly, 1996). The second reason for the diminishing rates of leisure engagement can be due to the pollution of the ocean and rivers especially the Sacramento River. Fishing and swimming are the major recreational activities that the people of North California engage in. this is due to the abundance of the rivers and the ocean. The ocean and the rivers are dirty. For fear of contracting infections due to the dirty water, people rarely
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Graduate Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Graduate Reflection Paper - Essay Example I was very aware of Gardners 7 Intelligences and I attempted to gear as many lessons as possible to different learning styles so that all students were able to grasp the course. This spoke to my ability to accommodate and adapt learning materials. One example, is when I gave an assignment in which I allowed students to express themselves in their own way. Many students said they enjoyed this assignment. I learned about myself as a facilitator. As an example, I found that adults ask many more questions than children. I also found that a facilitator must know the material very well because adults think on their feet. I feel that I have met. In the second criteria (1b), I found it interesting to understand the differences between formal and informal groups. At my job, Ive found informal groups to be those that come together for a brainstorming session or to answer a particular questions that the business must answer. Often, these meet around lunch and they tend to be groups that come together for a short time. They can also come together as social groups. Formal groups usually come together under the direction of the head of the company of a specific supervisors needs. The formal groups must organize larger issues and create change within the company. Groups have a variety of dynamics which may be difficult at times and a group can quickly become dysfunctional depending on the circumstances. As an example, when one person within the group becomes dominant in the group and they are not the leader, the group becomes dysfunctional because no one else has a chance to speak. To bring it back to function, the group leader must be able to maintain a balance between all people within the group. Each individual must be able to bring in their point of view during discussions so that they can feel heard. The many readings in this area helped me become a better facilitator. As an example, The Kolun (2001) article gave several
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Example for Free
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay The conditions causing the psychological condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD has continued to become a puzzle to psychologists. Overtime, the symptoms for ADHD have undergone numerous diagnoses. Although the main cause of ADHD remains unknown, present evidences show that ADHD is genetically acquired (Lilly, 2007). ADHD is a mental disorder characterized by problems of hyperactivity and impulsiveness. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV, inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity are either or both of the two syndromes associated with this psychological disorder (House, 2002). ADHD is one of the most common mental disorders among children in the United States and it is believed that it affects 4 to 5 percent of the children in the country (Coile, 2004). ADHD often affects the school performance of the children. Because of the lack of attention and hyperactivity of children, it is difficult for them to concentrate on learning or educational activities (House, 2002). One of the speculated roots of ADHD is through heredity and genetics. Researches presented that ADHD runs in families. According to the Pediatric Annals, there is a 25 percent chance that the child of an adult with ADHD will also acquire the disease (Lilly, 2007). At present, since there is insufficient evidence on the real and exact cause of ADHD. Most researches consider the genetic explanation of ADHD as the most valid. It is believed that a particular gene is passed on from parents to children; this may be the inherent cause of ADHD. This can be well explained in identical twins. If one of the twins has ADHD, there is a greater risk that other will have it too (Driscoll, 2007). Researches firmly suggest that ADHD occurs in cluster within families. ADHD occurs in biological relatives of children or adults with the disorder, implying the strong hereditary cause of the disorder. An ADHD twin studies found out that identical twins are most likely to manifest symptoms of ADHD, and this finding is consistent in all studies conducted (Joseph, 2006). One of the comprehensive reviews in the twin studies is made by Jay Joseph where he examined the continued misinterpretation on the findings of the twin studies. He firmly believed that the similarities manifested by the twins are not presenting the possible genetic influences on ADHD but this may lie on the environmental factors experienced by the twins (Southhall, 2007). The twin studies are crucial theoretical assumptions. Some researchers claim that the studies are not supported by sufficient evidences. The study merely focused on identical twins, but there are fraternal twins and considered that the environmental factors are equal, there are changes in the findings. Since the evidences is deeply anchored on identical twins who are treated more alike and spend more time together and has a greater tendency to experience confusion and closeness, thus, in a controlled environment, it is expect that the identical twins will correlate higher than the fraternal twins on ADHD measures (Joseph, 2006). ADHD twin studies are based on unsupported theoretical assumption and offer only a possible genetic influence on the symptoms of ADHD. These studies recorded are based more on the psychological bond, more similar treatment and same environment experienced by identical twins than fraternal twins (Joseph, 2002). Another method of study used to discover the roots of ADHS is the adoption study. The difference of this approach on the twin studies is that, it is able to disentangle genetic and environmental influences on psychiatric disorders due to the genes that came from one family and was raised in the environment of another. The rules of hereditary and environmental influences or the nurture and nature influences are relevant in this study of ADHD causes (Joseph, 2002). In this approach, participants are obtained from families with adopted children and families with their biological children, who both have ADHD and same type of families without the psychological disorder. However the research is proven to have a flaw; it is unable to consider the biological parents and relatives of the adopted children. This may contain pertinent information on the genetic influence of ADHD. Therefore, the researchers were not able to make a definite comparison on the foster and biological families of the adopted children. Another flaw of the research is that hyperactivity of the parents is solely based on recollections of the parents if they experienced symptoms of ADHD when they were young. This method and data are unreliable for the having the possibility of giving false accounts (Joseph, 2002). The fundamental assumption of the adoption studies is that ADHD is more prevalent in biological families than in families with adopted children. The studies found higher rates of hyperactivity in children and their biological parents than children with adoptive parents (Joseph, 2002). It is reasonable to dismiss the conclusions of the adoption studies since it did not perform blind diagnoses and introduced a genetically-biased research with conclusions favoring genetics. The control group is unable to serve its purpose if the researchers know the participants related to the cases and which belongs to the control group (Joseph, 2002). Now, psychiatric geneticists see children inheriting a predisposition that will eventually develop into ADHD in the presence of unknown environmental factors which might include viruses and toxins (Joseph, 2002). Though the genetic influences are believed to be the most valid cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), they seem to only give possible genetic assumptions and add to the incomplete puzzle of the real cause of ADHD, as the root cause of the psychological disorder targeting most of our children is still unknown.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Employee Morale After Downsizing Essay -- essays research papers fc
Employee Morale After Downsizing           Downsizing has become a significant idea in today's economy and maintaining the trust of employees when something like this takes place has also become very serious business (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). The question is not whether a company should downsize their employees but how to do the downsizing properly so that as few employees as possible are injured (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). There are several ways that companies can downsize that will help retain much of the loyalty of the workers that remain (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Companies who downsize through attrition and buyouts, those companies that work to help downsized employees find new jobs, and companies that are willing to provide outplacement services to those individuals often end up in positions that are much better than companies that simply fire workers due to downsizing (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). These companies who show that they care about the workers that they have to remove through downsizing have a much greater chance of retaining a lot of the loyalty originally given to them by the workers that survived the downsizing (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Trust is a very important asset for these companies but it is very difficult to achieve and just as difficult to hold on to (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). If companies are willing to downsize in a way that is considered to be very humane by many of the workers these companies will fare better in the long-term than companies who perceive workers as disposable (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Late in the 1970s, companies began to downsize workers (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). They did this in order to improve the bottom line and also to cut many of their costs (Brockner, Konovsky, Cooper-Schneider, Folger, Martin, & Bies, 1994). Even though some companies today are making record profits they carry on this idea that they must be as lean as they possibly can in order to compete (Brockner, Konovsky,... ...tional Forms? Organizational Science, 4, i-vi Davidow W.H. & Malone, M.S. (1992). The Virtual Corporation. New York: HarperCollins. Hirschhorn, L. & Gilmore, T. (1992). The New Boundaries of the 'Boundaryless' Company. Harvard Business Review, 70: 104-115. HR Paints a Bleak Portrait of Downsizing Survivors. (1993). HR Focus, 70, 24. If You Are Going to Downsize, Says U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich, Do It Gently. Interview, (1996). Sales & Marketing Management, 148, 118-123. Kets de Vries M.F.R. & Balazs, K. (1997). The Downside of Downsizing. Human Relations, 50, 11-50. Kozlowski, S.W., Chao, G.T., Smith, E.M., & Hedlund, J. (1993). Organizational Downsizing: Strategies, Interventions, and Research Implications. In C.L. Cooper and I.T. Robertson, eds., International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New York: Wiley, 262-332. Mishra, A.K. (1996). Organizational Responses to Crisis: The Centrality of Trust. In R.M. Kramer and T.R. Tyler, eds., Trust in Organizations.' Frontiers of Theory and Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage, 261-287 New York Times Special Report: The Downsizing of America. (1996). New York: Random House, 5.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton Essay
Alan Paton is the clever author of Cry, The Beloved Country, a historical fiction book that displays the violences of injustice, discrimation, and imperialism that begins its story in the lonesome island of Ndotsheni where Kumalo lives. Stephen Kumalo, the main protagonist of Alan Paton’s Cry, The Beloved Country, is a meek Zulu pastor who has lived as a native in Ndotsheni. Kumalo discovers his sister Gertrude has fallen ill as addressed in a letter from a fellow priest in Johannesburg. Despite the cost of the strenuous excursion to Johannesburg, Kumalo flees Ndotsheni in hopes of Gertrude’s quick recovery and finding his son Absalom along his journey. Everyday seems to be a challenging obstacle for Kumalo (I used the black poster board to symbolize these hardships), either searching the metropolis for Absalom or coming to the realization his sister is a prostitute, he never loses his confidence. Therefore, it seems appropriate to ask this basic question: â€Å"Why is it so important to keep moving forward and have hope if your loved ones are not around to support?†because questions about life pop into each individual’s mind and life is a heavy package that comes with prices to pay (I used the package to symbolize this). The title is written symbolically because Stephen and Absalom Kumalo have been seperated, but suddenly Absalom reenters Kumalo’s life. The visual portion’s background contains the repetition of the book’s title because certain remarks are repeated throughout the course of the story, but the title must be read in a way so people turn the paper to fully understand life. The title has underlined letters because they are important messages and ideas I received from the novel. A major symbol, the dove in the center symbolizes that Christian faith is the center of Kumalo’s life where he acknowledges blacks are inferior to whites. Arthur Jarvis’s written words read, â€Å"The truth is that our civilization is not Christian; it is a tragic compound of great ideal and fearful practice, of high assurance and desperate anxiety, of loving charity and fearful clutching of possessions. Allow me a minute. . . .†(Paton 188). This pop-up quote represents that faith is as high as the heavens and an important element in Jarvis’s and Kumalo’s lives. Jarvis suggests blacks do not develop their God- given gifts like the whites do. The dove appears to be carrying a heavy load because the Church is the place people go to be heard or to speak (I used the deaf person and the speechless person to symbolize this). However, the burdens on the dove make it difficult to fly. Therefore, the dove fails to conceal the injustices, crimes, punishments, and corruption like the leaky roof of the church in Ndotsheni. Next, injustice and ironically brightness are symbols in the novel. The sun is a clear image of both; the rings in the sun symbolize the corrupt cycle of racism and the sun itself is the depiction of generosity and warmness. Additionally, the image of the cross is split in half; the colorful half belongs to the whites representing their fruitful lands as opposed to the blacks’ land. The symbols are organized by rank so injustice and change gradually work toward enforcing freedom. Also, the signs generically symbolize the change that needs to be instilled between the whites and blacks, specifically, the â€Å"One Way†signs signify the progressive change that overcome the bloodshed and violence portrayed by blood. It is simply glaring that faith is valuable in the eyes of Kumalo, therefore, the praying hands signify the strength it provides and when lifted the representation is uplifting the souls of those who suffer from injustices. Although the issues discussed in the book are disheartening, the book changes my viewpoint on different ethnicities. I do not look at different people as just another person in the world but more as I person I should learn to appreciate more. The book is a significant work of several universal themes: endurance and bravery and love and confidence. Unfortunately, I wish the assignment allowed me more time to process my ideas, but it improved my thinking so I could realize digging deeper is always beneficial. I am quite impressed with the final outcome of my project because it took me a long while to think of images to use or images to remove.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Process Of An Organization - 1702 Words
BENCHMARK There is a common method for both public and private companies, allowing them to improve efficiency in their processes and activities. This method is known as Organizational Benchmarking, which is defined as the process of identifying, learning and applying best practices of other successful companies in the market (Gibson, L and Glenn, E., 2000). In other words, this process is based on the analysis of how other companies conduct their business and adapt to another company to improve efficiency. Before starting the process of benchmarking, it is necessary to evaluate and establish the starting point of the organization. That is, knowing where the company is, what it is doing well and what their weaknesses are. Then, a†¦show more content†¦As a result of this research there were obtained two important conclusions. The first conclusion is that US and Europe could improve production processes of vehicles to overcome the energy use and environmental effects issues. The second conclusion is that it was difficult to compete with Japanese companies, because they, especially Toyota, had developed a different method from the others enterprises and consisted of a more developed system than a simple mass production (Graves A. and Madigan, D., 2012) Having analyzed more than 90 companies, it was possible to observe that Toyota created something that was later called Lean Production. In the first stage two indicators were used to measure the efficiency of the company: the first refers to the total hours worked by all employees divided by the number of vehicles produced; and the second indicator was the number of defects per vehicle. At the end of this analysis it was concluded that Japanese companies had a lower rate of defects per vehicle, they were twice as productive and used 40 % less space in production plants, which meant a significant reduction in costs Later, a more detailed analysis was performed according to the activities type, separating the standard tasks of non - standard and taking into account the time it took each employee to perform them. Having completed the entire analysis process, it was possible to identify how Toyota, having created the
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