Friday, December 27, 2019
Reflection About Article What Panasonic Learned in China
Introduction The review is about the article What Panasonic Learned in China written by Wakayama Toshiro, Shintaku Junjiro and Amano Tomofumi. Harvard Business Review. Dec2012, Vol. 90 Issue 12, p109-113. The article focuses on how Panasonic in China learned to bridge two strategies that are often mutually exclusive: localization and integration. The founder of Panasonic was asked by the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping to help modernizing China’s industries. Panasonic began licensing technologies to China which led to more than 40 China-based manufacturing operations. Panasonic’s first main purpose was to take advantage of low manufacturing costs and exporting the output. In Japan, Panasonic invested a Lifestyle Research Center to†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, China subsidiaries have almost complete authority to make decisions on introductions for new products in the local market. They are focusing on meeting local consumers particular needs. This article shows us how Panasonic strategically handled the outpacing competitors in China by bridging localization and integration. By combining these two strategies Panasonic began to think globally and act local. By establishing a Lifestyle Research Center in China, they embraced the tension between cross-border integration and local adaptation. In order to develop overseas business, Panasonic held firmly to the idea of ‘contributing to the development of the country’ by acting as a public entity and becoming a company welcomed by the country. What we have experienced in real life situations is that we have to give the consumers a good feeling. Like what you do when you are having a sales talk, you want your clients to have a good feeling about you and you have to provide them complete information so they can trust you. Panasonic handled that way which was their source to success. The authors probably wanted us to inform that Panasonic’s approach in engaging markets is a strong advantage in their business field. Competitiveness will be determined not just by the localization of sales and production but also by theShow MoreRelatedExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesparticularly regarding sustainable competitive advantage and resources, and corporate strategy, particularly regarding diversiï ¬ cation and internationalisation. There are also issues of ownership and organisation. In the end, the fundamental question is: what future for the Ministry? ââ€" ââ€" ââ€" In 1991, 28-year-old James Palumbo invested  £225,000 (≈a340,000) of his own capital into a new dance club located in an old South London bus depot. As an old Etonian (the UK’s most elitist private school), a graduateRead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesRetailers Two Traditional Store Retailers Summary: B2C Retailing 268 266 267 259 239 Contents Dot-Com Intermediaries 269 Summary: Successful Online Intermediary Models 273 Special Issue: What Makes a Good Web Site for Consumers 273 Special Issue: What Makes a Good B2C Social Media Platform 275 Review Questions 276 †¢ Discussion Questions 276 †¢ Bibliography 277 ̈ CASE STUDY II-1 Vendor-Managed Inventory at NIBCO 279 ̈ CASE STUDY II-2 Real-Time Business IntelligenceRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pages518 520 522 523 528 528 534 Stage Three: How might we get there? Strategic choice 12 The strategic management of the marketing mix 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.11 Learning objectives Introduction Product decisions and strategy What is a product? The dimensions of product policy Brand strategies The development of new products Pricing policies and strategies Approaches to price setting Methods of pricing 12.10 Deciding on the pricing objectives 12.12 Using price as a tactical
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Theories of Criminal Behavior Essay - 2480 Words
In this essay, two theories specifically focusing on sexual offending against children are compared and critical evaluated. Finkelhor’s (1984) Precondition model integrates four underlying factors that might explain the occurrence of child sexual abuse and categorizes them into four preconditions: motivation to offend, overcoming internal inhibitors, overcoming external inhibitors and overcoming child’s resistance that occur in a temporal sequence where each is necessary for the other to develop. The Precondition model provides a framework for assessment of child molesters but is criticized for a lack of aetiological explanations and for paying to little attention to cognitive factors. Ward’s (2003) Pathways model suggest that clinical†¦show more content†¦The first two preconditions are aetilogical theories that deal with psychological function of offenders whilst the latter two preconditions deal with situational aspects of the offence and are as such more akin to an offence process model (Ward 2002). In the first precondition, Finkelhor (1984) suggests that motivation to abuse consists of three components: emotional congruence, sexual arousal and blockage. These factors are not in themselves preconditions but they can work together or independently as a motive to sexually abuse a child. Emotional congruence implies that the offenders emotional and needs correspond to the characteristics of a child. That is, sex with children is emotionally satisfying for the offender. Here, Finkelhor (1984) suggests that men are socialized to behave in a dominant and powerful manner in sexual relationships, and implies that characteristics of children (small, young, week) act as a cue for the availability of them as sexual partners (Ward, Polascheck Beech, 2006). In support of that notion, Howells (1994) pointed out that it is not uncommon in clinical practice for child molesters to report an affinity for children. A study by Howells (1979) indicates that child sex offenders are more preoccupied with dominance in their constructions of relationships than controls, and view children as non-domineering and hence attractive (seeShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior955 Words  | 4 PagesThe theory I believe that explains criminal behavior and delinquency the best would be the Differential Reinforcement Theory, reviewed by Robert Burgess and Ronald Akers after it was criticized by C.R. Jeffery. 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The psychological approach to criminal behavior is categorized into the nurture sideRead MoreTheory of Criminal Behavior2402 Words  | 10 PagesRunning head: Theories of Criminal Behavior Theories of Criminal Behavior Theories of Criminal Behavior The beginning of civilization dawned a new era in which man came together to live amongst one another in relative peace and prosperity. The advent of civilization however also brought about people who choose to live a life outside of societal norms and law, norms and thus was the creation of the criminal. All civilizations tried to suppress and discourage crime by using aRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior1333 Words  | 6 PagesCriminal behavior has been a difficult term to define over the years due to the many variables that must be taken into account in order to present an accurate definition. However, the definition provided by Bartol is as follows, â€Å"Behavior in violation of the criminal code that is intentional and without justification or excuse†(Bartol, 2014). A vital variable that is represented in criminal behavior is crime. The fundamental purpose of theory is to explain things that can be observed. When discussingRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Beha vior1412 Words  | 6 Pagesof social process theories that are rooted in their notion that criminal behavior is learned by a social context. There has been a learning perspective that assumed that there are law- breaking values, norms, and etc. The section goes on to explain the theories envision that a criminal’s behavior is a product of the same learning process of noncriminal behavior. Crime is known for being constructed as a normal behavior rather than pathological. The task of this learning theory is to detail theRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior Essay2360 Words  | 10 Pageseven though there have been harsh laws enforced for those who commit crimes. These people have come up with theories as to why people commit crimes to understand these theories, we must understand what a crime is and understand the definition of theories. Crime is a human conduct that violates the laws of a state or the federal government. There are different ways people view criminal behaviors either through the view of the social problem perspective which blames the society and the social responsibilityRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior1608 Words  | 7 Pagescauses of his criminal behaviour through the three different criminological schools of thought: classical, positivist, and sociological. There are a number of concepts of crime including human nature, the society, social contract, the law, and punishment. The central concepts of the classical school of thought is that people are egotistical, rational, motivated by pain and pleasure, people choose their behaviour, and behaviour can be modified by fear of punishment. The classical theory focuses onRead MoreThe Theory Of Criminal Behavior1191 Words  | 5 Pagesreason being is criminal behaviour sometimes can t be defined. Law in our society is defined by social and legal intuitions, not in biology. What is criminal in one country may not be in another so how can one gene deformation cause one to become a criminal ? So, as these studies have found, there appears to be some genetic traits that can influence criminal behaviour such as a person’s gender or mental illness. But this doesn t mean there is an evil gene which all criminals inherit, socialRead MoreBiological Theories Of Criminal Behavior844 Words à ‚ | 4 PagesBiological Theories are vastly growing with fascinating research. The main stump is concretely linking it to criminal behavior, because some theories are more relatable than others. Theories involving temperament and hormones give real life biological explanations, while others like extrovert and introvert behaviors, and neuroticism explain a weaker link to crime. However, all theories are valuable in exploring the root of crime. Temperament can be described as the natural mood disposition determinedRead MoreThe Psychological Theories Of Criminal Behavior883 Words  | 4 PagesPsychological Theories The psychological theories of criminal behavior focus on the lack of socialization, incomplete cognitive development, and bad childhood experiences. Those who study psychological theories believe that failures in cognitive development can be a major factor in malfunctioning behavior. These criminals have difficulty controlling anger and containing violence, which causes them to lash out. The results of these episodes are murder, rape, robbery, assault, and battery. Many more
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Strategic HRM
Question: Discuss about theStrategic HRM. Answer: Introduction This report is based on the case study of a music company named Galaxy music. The case study is based on implementation of international human resource management on the operations of organization. The report basically describes about the challenges and problems a company faces during the international business. According to the case study, there is a company named Galaxy music which operates in various countries i.e. USA, UK and Germany with enormous freedom. Tom Black is newly appointed president of the company and he is trying hard to bring some changes within the company. Before doing changes in the company, he conducts a meeting with all senior managers of the company. The reason of changes is that the company is doing a decentralized, federated structured business with geographic territories. According to the president the company should expand its business internationally with the view of think global and act local (Saintilan et al, 2013). To operate in the international market, company has to face some major challenges such as staying responsive to local market, in which the company is working, control the foreign operations, coordination with foreign units, and focus on short term operations with a view of competitiveness in market (Fletcher Crawford, 2013). Galaxy music is trying to move in international market where each had a power to operate its business and make own business decisions in terms of who to record or tour, and which artist to support etc. Strength and Weakness of Centralization vs. Decentralization at Galaxy Centralized structure means one individual to make decision and provide direction to the company. This structure is used by the small businesses because there is one owner who is responsible for the operations of the business (Friedman, 2011). On the other hand, in decentralized business structure, there is more than one person who takes the decision of the company. There are different level in a business and every person take decision on the basis of his level in the organization. Both the structure is important for the organization. Centralized business has a particular mission, vision and objectives for managers and employees created by the business owner. In decentralized business, organization utilizes the manpower according to their expertise and knowledge for running the business. Managers in broad management team ensure to handle the various types of business operations and success of company (Ferrell Fraedrich, 2009). Galaxy Music Company is decentralized company. It has its branches in different countries such as USA, UK and Germany. Because of the decentralizations in company, the company has some strengths and weakness. The strengths and weakness of the company are described below: Strength: Galaxy Music company is decentralized and the plus point is that company allows more people to give use their skills and experience in decision making related to new projects and expansion in international market. Because of decentralization structure, there is no burden of responsibility on one manager for all operating activities (Hales, 2006). For example, there are different manager for the project of different countries. Katie Jamieson is the manager of US marketing and Philippe Collard is the managing director for Galaxy France. Both are looking of different projects for the company. In the company, the power is distributed among many persons. By the case study, it can be seen that newly appointed president is conducting a meeting regarding operational activities of the company to know the viewpoints of all managers. By knowing the viewpoints, President will be able to take those decisions which will be fruitful for the company. By the decentralized structure, company is trying to engage more people in decision making process. It will improve the belief of employees towards the company (Rao, Narayana, 2007). Weakness: In spite of benefits and strengths, there are some weaknesses due to decentralized structure in Galaxy Music Company. By the analysis of case study, it can be seen that there is a lack of uniformity of standards and policies among the managers of the company. The managers are not interested to participate in decision making process (Jackson Morgan, 2004). The example can be seen when the meeting was conducted. The president wanted to know about their views but some of the managers were busy in their phones. They were not listening properly what the president is saying. There is one more drawback because of decentralized structure that it is creating problems in coordination with the managers because the viewpoints of managers are different and all are corrects according to their perception. So, it will create lots of problem for president in taking right decision (Cistulli, 2002). The differentiation in the perception of managers can create conflicts among them. For example, president wanted to expand the business with local market but one of the managers did not agree with his point. He gave his argument that it is not possible to enter in different market with the local market. According to him, Galaxy Music Company is a local company and it will not be able for the company to take own decisions by entering in new world. In such case, all the authority is in the hand of lower level managers and the president will be left no authority. He cannot do changes according to his viewpoints. Things could Galaxy do to Ease the Tension Between International Office and Operating Companies Galaxy Music Company is local company operating its business with local opportunities, taste and local talent. Due to decentralized structure of the business, company is far away to achieve some business purpose. Managers are not ready to move internationally because they thought they are local business players. To reduce the problem between the international office and operating companies, Galaxy Music Company can adopt some strategic human resource plans. The president of the company also suggested thinking global and acting local. The company can adopt the People strategy process to reduce the tension. People strategy process will help the manager to understand the business model and capability of business (Paauwe, 2004). The steps which can be adopted by company are described below: The company should give a clear business model and strategy to win the market. It can be seen by the case that managers are not sure about the project of geographical companies because they dont have clear business strategy. They all are thinking about making money (Guest, Paauwe Wright, 2012) There should be clear and specified organizational business capabilities to operate the business strategy made by the company. In the case study, the marketing director of the company is handling a project in France. According to him, the project which the company is starting in France will not get success because there is no respect of such type of projects in France. This will be the wastage of money. If there would be clear strategy for the project and clear view of capability in business model, the manager will complete this project with positive view and surety (Jackson, 2004). The company should design a proper and appropriate HR practices for the managers. Proper HR practices will help managers to identify their capabilities to fulfill the projects. In the lack of proper HR practices, manager are not trying to do hard work. This is the reason that the company is far away from its target and there is tension between international office and geographical offices (Andresen Nowak, 2015). The president of the company should find right persons to operate in global market. Although one of the managers is against to hire new people. Company needs to focus on centrally authorized, policies and strategies plans to develop everything and everyone. Company can use 7-S model framework to develop the effective strategy (Michalski, 2011). Figure 1: 7-S framework (Source: Michalski, 2011) The model is called The McKinsey7-S Framework. It is designed to frame the proper and clear strategy for the business. The design policies fall into seven categories. The first is strategy which determines direction. Second category is system which determines process within organization. Third category is staff which refers to people, skill sets and mindset within the organization. Fourth category is style, which determines the leadership adopted by the organization. Fifth category in the model is skills that refer to proper skills of the employees and managers working for the company. Sixth category is structure which determines the way of structure of organization and the position of decision making power i.e. who reports to whom. And the last one is shared value which determines the core values of the company that shows the work culture and business ethics of the organization. This model can be helpful to identify the needs to improve the performance and to maintain the performance during the change. For performing well, company must follow this model. This model is helpful to identify the current situation and the future situation of the company and tries to fill the gap between these situations (Basu, 2004). Conclusion By the analysis of case study, it has been observed that Galaxy music company is a decentralized company and the decision making power is not in hand of higher authority. There are several managers for different projects there are different views on one decision. Along with this, there is a lack of coordination among the managers and result is that no one is serious for the issues raised by the president. By the above discussion, it has been analyzed that managers of the company need proper strategy planning and appropriate business model. By the proper strategy, they will be able to identify their capabilities regarding work. Company needs to make a proper framework for the managers and operations of the business. An effective framework of business strategy will push managers towards their goals and they will start thinking over money. In the McKinsey7-S Framework, seven catagories will help company to increase capability of the employees so that they start to think global and work local. References Saintilan, P., Cecillon, JF., Smellie, M., Cannon, R., (2013). Music Organisation Case studies. Retrieved on 10th Sept. 2016 from file:///C:/Users/Guest/Downloads/950723_1132165658_TheInternationalMeetingCase.pdf Fletcher, R., Crawford, H., (2013). International Marketing: An Asia-Pacific Perspective. AU: Pearson Higher Education Friedman, F., (2011). Friedman's Practical Guide To Environmental Management (11th). West Academic Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J., (2009). Business Ethics. USA: Cengage Learning Hales, C., (2006). Managing Through Organization. Singapore: Routedge Rao, V.S.P., Narayana, P.S., (2007), Organization theory and behavior (2nd). IND:Konark Jackson, J.H., Morgan, C.P., (2004). Organization theory: a macro perspective for management. USA: Prentice-Hall Cistulli, V.,(2002). Environment in Decentralized Development.UNR: Food Agriculture Org Paauwe, J,. (2004). HRM and Performance: Achieving Long-term Viability. NY: Oxford University Press Inc. Guest, D.E., Paauwe, J., Wright, P., (2012). HRM and Performance: Achievements and Challenges. US: John Wiley Sons Jackson, T., (2004). International HRM: A Cross-Cultural Approach. UK: SAGE Publications Andresen, M., Nowak, C., (2012). Human Resource Management Practices: Assessing Added Value. NY: Springer Michalski, A., (2011). The McKinsey 7-S Framework. GRIN Verlag Basu, R., (2004). Implementing Quality: A Practical Guide to Tools and Techniques. USA: Thmson Learning
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Porno For Pyros free essay sample
Porno for Pyros For all those people who loved Janes Addiction and heard of Perry Farells new band cast all memories of Janes away. The voice stayed and so did the brilliance of the words but the music combines the funk Stephen Perkins learnt with Infectious Grooves and the surfer/punk guitar styling of bassist Martin LeNoble and lead guitarist Peter Distefano. This self-titled album will take you through the world of the devastating summer of 1992 in L.A. and give you a clear perspective of one mans life on those streets. This is the album that combines alternative themes, Sex (and violence), drugs, and rock n roll. All expectations were met with this album. The one problem is that it leaves you wanting more and more and you will probably wear out your CD (since I dont think a tape does the sound justice). A definite must for all people who are sick of the commercialism of alternative music. We will write a custom essay sample on Porno For Pyros or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Review by K. R., Berlin, NH
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